While children do have certain weird habits, some can prove to be severely damaging and even fatal.Arjun complained of pain over a year back and his suffering became worse as he would face breathlessness and stopped eating. While his mother thanked doctors for saving her son’s life, Arjun will require counselling to cure his condition. He was eventually rushed to a hospital when he lost 15 kg in just seven days.Arjun Sah from Bhatinda in Punjab had an obsession with chewing on bits of plastic and lumps of wood.

The doctors were able to remove 300 grams of the material through surgery and Arjun will have to undergo three more operations to extract the rest. Doctors were unaware of Arjun’s condition until they inserted a camera in his stomach acrylic resin for painting Manufacturers to find the cause of his pain and were shocked to discover a 1 kg mass of wood and plastic in the 16-year-old’s body.Several people across the world are known to be plagued by addictions which can land them in a terrible situation. His addiction is described as an eating disorder called pica which causes people to eat sand, talc, stones, paint and dirt.The problem started with Arjun chewing on rubber and while his parents stopped him, he would start chewing on objects when they weren’t watching.

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KILIMBring the globe-trotting feeling home.Kilim prints add earthy tonesWabi SabiThe era of frugal luxury is seeping in. Other wood to look out for would be rosewood, walnut and marbling tones of mango wood.A velvet feel is a must for a standalone piece in a living roomMake pastels work wondersVelvetLuxury fabrics will make a prominent appearance again in the living room styling, on sofas and even as wall covering.Minimalist pastelsAs with the Wabi Sabi, the 2018 wall paint range is also looking towards simplistic shades. Rug upholstery is all set to stamp a tribal look representing the global village concept in modern day interior decoration.com has introduced In the Moment as Colour of The Year. Gilded layering on painted surfaces will also be a trend with brass and silver metallic returning as a favourite next year. In their forecast palette of 20 trend colours, Behr.

They place great emphasis on the restorative and tranquil effect of this hue that blends blue, grey and green to create an earthy tone. Velvet and suede are showing up in a palette of moss green, royal blue, navy blue, mustard, reds and purples.Dark rich hues add extra depth to your homeMarble MotifsMarble is transcending from being a material to a design pattern. The emphasis is on destressing all the way. polyurea coating Manufacturers Another emerging winner in interior colours is millennial pink, thwarting gender bias and creating a powerful expression in deeper versions of itself. Bringing Wabi Sabi to your home would mean embracing minimalism and history. The bold geometric patterns of kilim and the flat woven tapestry dhurrie are likely to upholster light seating furniture like the chaise lounge, ottoman, fauteuil and footstool and bar stool. The richness of velvet combined with rugged natural textures of reclaimed wood and cane bric-a-brac just might pique your interest for trendsetting home décor for 2018. Wabi Sabi is the biggest design trend to look out for in 2018.If you are looking to revamp your abode or planning to decorate interiors afresh in the coming year, a few keywords from the 2018 forecast might come in handy. Just like it was in 15th century Japan, even today Wabi Sabi remains a statement of seeking beauty in imperfection, in reaction to the opulence and ornamental aesthetic of expensive décor.

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While in China, Tillerson had told reporters that he was "probing" whether the North is ready for talks on the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.State Department officials insist Trump was not criticizing Tillerson, but pressuring Kim Jong-Uns regime to agree to discuss its disarmament while a diplomatic option remains on the table."This revelation appears to have triggered Trumps tweeted response -- which in turn sparked fresh rumors of tensions between the president and his top diplomat.""When the Secretary says "probing, he means: were keeping our eyes open to see how sanctions, to see how the pressure campaign is affecting that government," a State Department source said privately.Washington: Pentagon chief Jim Mattis tried to clear up doubts about the US administrations North Korea strategy Tuesday, backing Secretary of State Rex Tillersons effort to find a diplomatic solution to the nuclear standoff."

Tillerson has explained the strategy as one of using United Nations and US sanctions and diplomatic pressure to convince Kim of his isolation and force him to negotiate nuclear disarmament. Were not in a dark situation, a blackout.US officials insist publicly that they have military options to counter the threat from Pyongyang if this fails, but admit privately that these are limited and highly risky.- Little Rocket Man -So it was hard to square Tillersons diplomatic push with the Trump tweets that greeted him Sunday as he flew back from meeting Chinese leader China latex for gas migration control Factory in Beijing.."Being nice to Rocket Man hasnt worked in 25 years, why would it work now? Clinton failed, Bush failed, and Obama failed.But Trump appears to have been referring to previous US efforts to deal with the North Korean dictators father and grandfather..Defense Secretary Mattis was speaking two days after President Donald Trump appeared to undermine his top diplomat by saying Tillerson was "wasting his time" by maintaining contacts with Kim Jong-Uns regime. So I dont see the divergence as strongly as some have interpreted it. is focused on the destabilizing threat posed by North Korea and Kim Jong-Uns relentless pursuit of nuclear and ballistic missile capabilities," he said. We do talk to them..Mattis, in testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee, said the Pentagon stands four square behind the strategy -- and singled out Tillerson for support.."All we are doing is probing, we are not talking with them ."President Trumps guidance to both Secretary Tillerson and me has been very clearly that we would pursue the diplomatic efforts," he told lawmakers."Mattis, however, was at pains to insist that the government is working together as one to counter its most urgent threat."Kim is 33 years old and came to office in 2011. We can talk to them.."We have lines of communications to Pyongyang."

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Overall, about 80 percent of the samples had at least some lead, and about a third contained levels above the limit set by the U. "For parents who want to make decisions to benefit their children, it could be a gamble."We are diverse here with a lot of individuals who emigrate or travel from many parts of the world through airports on a weekly basis," said study author Dr. "If there is a product that could be contaminated with lead, it’s of public health interest. Bill Halperin of the Rutgers University campus in Newark told Reuters Health by phone. "We have to respect families and encourage them to stay in their belief systems but also support them. ."Pediatricians and parents should talk about cultural and cosmetic practices at home, especially during routine child checkups, said Dr.S.S. Another 23 came from stores in Mumbai and New Delhi, in India.S. Nineteen percent of the U.Sindoor, also called vermilion, is a brilliant scarlet powder used during Hindu religious and cultural ceremonies. The most important step . "And effects of lead exposure cannot be corrected.

Cristiana Lin of Pediatrix Medical Group in Scottsdale, Arizona, who has studied lead exposure from imported Indian spices and cultural powders. samples and 78 percent of the samples from India had at least 1 microgram of lead per gram of powder. samples and 43 percent of the India samples exceeded that limit."Shendell’s team found that 83 percent of the U. Consumers should be able to make informed choices for themselves and protect their families. is to prevent lead exposure before it occurs. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns.Researchers should continue to monitor sindoor lead levels and make the public aware of potential hazards, the study authors wrote in the American Journal of Public Health. "It shouldn’t be in our bodies, especially for children under age 6. "But we can spend time with our patients and ask questions.Sindoor powder sold in the United States and India could have unsafe levels of lead, researchers warn."That puts the burden on the consumer," Halperin said.S. Married women may also put it in their hair, and men and children may wear it for religious purposes. and two from India - contained more than 10,000 micrograms.S.. Some manufacturers use lead tetroxide to give it a distinctive red color.""Even low levels of lead in blood have been shown to affect IQ, ability to China latex for gas migration control Manufacturers pay attention, and academic achievement," the U.Of the 118 sindoor samples tested in the study, 95 were from South Asian stores in New Jersey. Food and Drug Administration.The FDA issued general warnings about sindoor after a 2007 test by the Illinois Department of Health detected high lead content in one brand, which led to a recall by the company."

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